Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Muggle Style...

Only 14 days left until all of our eyes get to witness the milestone that is going to be Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I can't wait. This amazing layout of Emma Watson aka Ms. Granger just made me even more excited. I am here to say it again... Teen Vogue is so hip. They have to work harder and I think it shows. So patience kids, just stare at that white Burberry dress in the bottom photo and whatever that killer pelt is and countdown the minutes until we get our fill of Inferi, Pensieves, Patronus' and some all out brawls!! People are going to die... i am not ready.


W.M. said...

thanks dirkie I enjoyed these!! and seeing you last week.
xx, Megan

jessika said...

Ugh she is so pretty. Plus she gets to go to hogwarts and date ron weasley and be besties with harry potter. Can I just be her please?

blueeyedfreckle said...

um I LOVED this layout in Teen Vogue. I ripped it out to put on my inspiration board in my closet. gorgeousness.