Friday, April 4, 2008

This ting is my favorite new dance move.

So I am back from Philadelphia and Santogold! was great. I am now leaving again for a quick trip but have another video surprise for you. Peter said to me, "I recorded a video for you that I thought you might freak out over." And I did. Here is the video for Great DJ by The Ting Tings. Who knows what else is in store for this hip duo but what I hear I like and this is the best dance move since the "punch through the hole" move in the Yelle remix video. Oh and broken doll poses always earn points with me.

Stupid!! Columbia Records is making it difficult. So go here to watch the video.

I guess I will post the Yelle video remix since I jipped you. Watch for the sweet "round the head then over and punch the arm through the hole" move. Kills me everytime.


The Powells said...

dear friend,
is this shmirk handler? i hope so...
shmeny powell

The Powells said...

i cant stop watching this...tears are rolling down my face!!

Dirk said...

Shmeny & the Powells!! So glad you found this bliggity blog. Seriously though...those are some sweet eurotrash dance moves.

The Powells said...

horray!! ya i need to come visit at urban...hope all is well

lesliefaye said...

Dirk Chandler!!! I was checking out some buddies' blogs and look what I found...Probably my most favoritest person that I never see. Good to see that you're still being uber-awesome. Hope all is well, we should do lunch sometime!
Leslie Durham

ali said...

Dirk! Best thing to happen to me yesterday: your comment on my blog. Best thing to happen to me today: this video on your blog. I can't wait for my day-sleeping husband to wake up so I can show him.

Aaaanyway. Your blog is awesome and my new favorite place. Do you know how I can track down Ali Stephens? So awesome.

Also, what are you reading? I'm getting through Lethem's "The Fortress of Solitude" but I like his essays better.

OK. Enough of the novella already. Good to hear from you.

Dorydee said...

Hi there !

Sorry for interrupting but I had to comment on this! This dance is called Tektonik, this is big in France right now, especially among the 14 - 20. They literaly breathe tektonik and think they are so serious, dressing this way, fluo colors and all, sleek hairdos and dancing within little groups after school, on the sidewalk. Weird, huh ! Funny, I was wondering what the "outside world" would be thinking about it !

Dirk said...

Ratichoo, hey! This outside world is loving it. My friends and I have watched this so many times. This is just one more reason why France is so hip and ahead of everyone else. Thanks for commenting.