Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just a note...

So I often take parking risks at my job. I mean risky for me which is not that risky. But I tend to park in hourly parking areas for many hours. Well, I finally thought I had gotten a ticket the other night. But instead....

It was actually just a note from Jesus. He was just saying, "hello friend" and just wanted to remind me that he loved me. The really great thing is that I already knew this but it was so nice to hear it again. It was late at night and I was the only car on the street and I wondered if all the cars got them or just me. I wish I knew.


Jo said...

whoa. blog extravaganza! this one is my favorite. craazy. and it would only happen to you.

jessika said...

Jealous. I'm just so jealous.

kathryn said...

wow. i totally love things like this. i think you might have just given me something to write about on mine. but really. love that.

Di said...

dirk. this made my day one hundred dollars better. if only jesus had signed his could've probably made a killing on ebay.

samsam said...

so i'm looking that the "hello friend" envelope truly, madly and deeply hoping that the smudge on the inner curl of the "d" in friend is a little, smeared, drop of blood. that would make things so authentic! like jesus really had been there! fingers crossed, right?