So I am copying this post idea from Jo who got it from Brooke who's sister said that their Aunt's cat thought it would be such a fun post.
1. Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating.
2. Find page 123
3. Find the first 5 sentences
4. Post the next 3 sentences
Here goes:
"Of course there was only so much I could do as the special-needs assistant. One thing I could do was pray. I prayed while I looked into his eyes, and my prayer was Hello, hello, hello."
This is from
No one belongs here more than you by
Miranda July. It is a collection of short stories (of which I am a lover of). They are very strange and awkward and funny and a bit dirty to be honest. In fact I worry that page 123 is going to have me amidst a special-needs love affair. CAN' WAIT. While controversial to some I think she is incredibly talented. Go to her site and try not to love the opening page and then read why you should vote. So good. Also check out the site for the book. Clever. Also, Miranda I am in love with you.