Saturday, November 6, 2010

Watch for the little car!...

dirk and maren from Matt Walker on Vimeo.

Well this little film is just incredible. Granted, it is about my ridiculous crush on Maren and how that blossomed into being wed. Matt Walker (brother-in-law, friend, film-maker) whipped this up. I feel as though he is really creating something unique. Little silent documentaries. I like that it means a lot to me but I feel like it would be so great to watch if you knew nothing about me. When his other films pop up after you have feasted on this gem, watch "stuff we did" and "wait up!" for more amazement. If you wanted one of these for something going on in your life.... that can be arranged. Thanks Matt.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Aaaah September...


Been pouring over the September Issues lately. Something I look forward to every year. More to come on what I am drawn to this fall but for now just a few shots from this layout in US Vogue titled "Sweater Girl" featuring Lara Stone looking quite lovely. The tones in the bottom photo are especially nice. Now, if the weather could not be 86 degrees today I would be feeling much happier. How about a nice crisp 58 degrees?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Treat in the mail...

Got my passport renewal in the mail. Then got my old one a few days later with some holes punched in it. So glad you get to keep it. Such great memories. Here's to making more! Can't wait to go explore again.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Marc?...

After reading Marc Jacobs grooming tips in the September 2010 issue of Details I am really missing old Marc Jacobs. I am so glad you are healthy and off all of the various addictive sauces. Also, I am glad you are into things that make you feel good. But really, between the AGONY of your hair replacement and the "having to be naked" for your new BANG! ad.... i don't know. Thank heaven you are still such a brilliant designer. Your Fall '10 show was so perfect (because you looked to your past).  Dear Marc, we only need one Tom Ford and most days we don't need him. Easy, boy. Easy. Love, Dirk.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Woo-oo-oo-den Chair...

I find this video and song rather hypnotic. In a good way.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Patricia Neal...

Turned on the tv just a bit ago and good ol' TCM let me know that Patricia Neal died. So sad. I think she is just incredible. Made me want to immediately watch Breakfast At Tiffiany's and Hud again. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bye July...

July, come and gone. Deux family reunions. One down south and one up north. Both wonderful. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Michael Borremans...

So I was flipping through this book the other day and came upon some images that immediately made a strong impression on me and I had to know more.  The artist name is Michael Borremans. He is a film artist and painter. I find his work haunting, quiet, familiar but at the same time completely refreshing.
Automat 1, 2008

The Preservation, 2001

Four Fairies

The Marvel, 2001

I really liked this quote which hung at one of his exhibits in Cleveland. It gave me a small glimpse into why I tend to like Belgian design and art so much. Yes... of course he's from Belgium.
"Near the end of his life, Baudelaire--bored and besieged by creditors--made a disastrous trip to Brussels. In 1865, he wrote to a friend: "This highly detestable Belgium has already done me a great service. It's taught me to do without everything.... I've become sensible because of the impossibility of finding satisfaction." Similarly, Belgian artist Michael Borremans's determinedly dour drawings show how much artists may achieve without finding, or offering, fulfillment or resolution."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marnie Montage...

So read my post on Marnie on White Rectangle if you want more detail on this wild and amazing Hitchcock film. But if you just want to jump right into delusional and fascinating wonderment... push play. Thanks to Alien Roc, whoever you are for putting this killer montage together to "Glory Box" by Portishead. Such a good song.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

White Rectangle...

So I started a separate blog solely devoted to my sick obsession with film. Check it out here. Be sure to read my first post because I am serious about people sharing movie likes, dislikes and other related films.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fliggity-Flea Market...

So we will be selling our goods THIS SATURDAY. Yes, this very Saturday from 9-4 at the Abode Flea Market. You can get your hands on our cards and it will also be the debut of some dazzling little blank notebooks we have been working on. So imagine the instant gratification of seeing all these one-of-a-kind gems and then taking them home with you. Come join the party. 1720 South 900 East, Salt Lake City.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jackie's Ghost goes public.... sort of....

So we started an Etsy shop so that all of mankind (well, those with computer access) can buy our one-of-a-kind cards. So check it out. Here is a little glimpse at some wondrous cards we have recently posted for sale.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Such an ice-cold "no"...

Thanks to Maren's vast knowledge and obsession with classic film I was recently exposed to this.

A little side project...

Been collaborating on a little side project. I made this card with my own bare hands! Yes, it says "YOU GAVE ME MY ULCER." Jackie's Ghost is sure to intrigue and delight. Check us out!

Wedding & the moon...

Our wedding and honeymoon were incredible. Thanks to everyone who came and also who helped. These are of course mostly from our honeymoon. Maren posted some from the wedding if you want to see them go here.
