Sunday, June 28, 2009

Needs... NOT wants...

Word to the wise: Don't buy a house. Because you have to spend money on stuff like this...

And then you realize you could have bought these...

Same price... yuck! Sadly, I believe the Dries Van Noten contrast oxfords would get me further in life. The box would fit in my sisters car more easily and ya, I would wear them in my backyard while I tried to kill the gopher/mole(s) that are messing with my grass and sanity.


Dallas said...

Welcome back to blogging!
And I can't believe that these are the same's sorta tragic...but congrats on picking the need over the want. Im not sure I could do the same :)

Sarah said...

i dont know dirk, i bought a leaf blower and it may be the best fifty three dollars i have ever spent. truly.