Sunday, August 22, 2010

Treat in the mail...

Got my passport renewal in the mail. Then got my old one a few days later with some holes punched in it. So glad you get to keep it. Such great memories. Here's to making more! Can't wait to go explore again.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Marc?...

After reading Marc Jacobs grooming tips in the September 2010 issue of Details I am really missing old Marc Jacobs. I am so glad you are healthy and off all of the various addictive sauces. Also, I am glad you are into things that make you feel good. But really, between the AGONY of your hair replacement and the "having to be naked" for your new BANG! ad.... i don't know. Thank heaven you are still such a brilliant designer. Your Fall '10 show was so perfect (because you looked to your past).  Dear Marc, we only need one Tom Ford and most days we don't need him. Easy, boy. Easy. Love, Dirk.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Woo-oo-oo-den Chair...

I find this video and song rather hypnotic. In a good way.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Patricia Neal...

Turned on the tv just a bit ago and good ol' TCM let me know that Patricia Neal died. So sad. I think she is just incredible. Made me want to immediately watch Breakfast At Tiffiany's and Hud again. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bye July...

July, come and gone. Deux family reunions. One down south and one up north. Both wonderful.